Friday, October 30, 2015

Blog 10 – Interview 2 Reflection

NB: Questions answered here are referring to my second mentor, Michel Daher PharmD.
Link to interview:

1. Please explain how you are spending your mentorship time (Is it at a workplace or somewhere else? Are you shadowing? Are you able to do tasks that are meaningfully related to the topic? If so, what? Are there other people who are experts in the location? Etc...)
During my mentorship, I ask questions and occasionally help out in his pharmacy by sorting through medications, printing out stubs (the ones you stick to the bottles), and keeping the medicine area sterile.

2. How did you find your mentor? How did you convince this person to help you?
I found my mentor at one place that I volunteered at. After finding out that I am interested in the medical field, the head of the volunteers suggested I talk to the new pharmacist in the building. It was originally planned that I would just shadow him to get a feel of pharmacy is truly what I would like to do but when I found out about senior project, I decided to ask him to be my mentor.
I didn't really need to convince him to help me. All I did was asked and then *boom* he became my mentor.

3. How would you rate your comfort level with your mentor at this point in your relationship? How does this relate to the time you've spent so far at mentorship with this person?
I would say that we are pretty comfortable with each other. Since I never got to talk to him very often, there are still some moments when I clam up and feel a little awkward. He is a really fun guy to be around with, though.
The time I've spent with him so far has seemed very valuable. He gives a lot of information while he works. When he isn't working (downtime) he shows off his funny and entertaining side. This keeps my attention and makes me want to become a pharmacist even more.

4. What went well in this interview? Why do you think so? What do you still need to improve? How do you know? How will you go about it?
My interview went well in that he was able to answer my questions in a concise manner. I need to improve on getting more in-depth answers. However, it's possible that he gave short answers since he inadvertently already answered them when I first met him.

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